Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Perfect Storm

I found myself in need of an even higher level of escape than usual tonight.

This finally satisfied.

High, very high.

Steeped in steampunk ethos.

As am I.


Mark said...

Jesus was a Terrorist!

But make sure you read the whole book, as these are just some excerpts. It's Momo by Michael Ende.

To read more on Jesus' Terrorism:
New Statesman, Mark Thomas 2001

Prescient stuff!

Mark said...

PS, Life Itself, As Is..
The Immaculate Conception?

But you know that already!!

PPS Just in case knot, dear reader:
"ER,Extraordinary Rendition,
are you ready to see it..?"
"ER..what the dickens are you talking about?!"
"Miracle Beloved, Mira/cle
Just See Anew, Like a Virgin.."

=Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

".. Touched for the very First Time!"

Love Me, Love My Cliche



Mark said...

PPPS Very glad to hear you are finally satisfied, my dear Irlandesa, thou who art steeped in steampunk ethos, and from on high to boot.

And my apologies for hogging this thread!

Love to you and yours

Anonymous said...

I am ever pleased when you jack a thread, my sweet. It's always entertaining, diverting and enlightening. Precisely what I require on a very regular basis.

More, please. Seriously.