A necessary homage to ladies and gentlemen of the evening everywhere.
It hardly surprises that the brutish thugs at Justice would go after Deborah Jeane Palfrey, nor that she would be found dead today, most likely suicided, as they say these days.
For those not in the States or those sans telly, Ms. Palfrey was busted in Washington last year for running a modestly profitable escort service. Her specialty was providing fantasy scenarios for deeply unexciting men, and her stated defense was that sex was never on offer, just the fantasy. If anything more climactic took place, well that was between the client and the escort/independent contractor. That rationale was obviously much too logical for the DOJ rodents, and she was found guilty 2 weeks ago.
I don’t want to belabor the obvious idiocy and immorality of Ms. Palfrey being incarcerated for up to 55 years while not one of the thousands of paying male clients were even charged. Or the fact that the one senator/john who was outed is still stoically wed and serving in the Senate.
Even though she was obviously a smart businesswoman, she clearly didn’t know how to play the game in DC. Sex - unlike money, position and circle-jerks - is not considered to be a component of power. Just the opposite: congressional pages, whores, interns, heavily sedated wives, all are viewed as passive vessels, serving only to service.
What Ms. Palfrey might have done was to parlay the cards she did hold earlier, before she was indicted. After all, having the salacious goods on Cheney, Vitter and Dick Morris could have brought her enough protection to survive for decades in that incestuous cesspool.
The mere fact that, after the fact, she tried to negotiate - with ABC, for god’s sake - for the sale of her client list [or their phone numbers] demonstrates what an absolute naïf she was, completely unaware of the circularity of power and how well the boys really do take care of each other.
So of course she chose to hang herself in a shed, next door to her mother's double-wide, knowing she would be discovered by said mother. All I can say is that if it wasn’t one more offhand hit job, there must be tens of thousands gleefully raising their glasses to the eternal efficacy of PSYOPS.
Seems to be quite a lot of this going around:
"One of the escort service employees was former University of Maryland, Baltimore County, professor Brandy Britton, who was arrested on prostitution charges in 2006. She committed suicide in January before she was scheduled to go to trial." (Associated Press)
Also known in some quarters as a "Vince Foster suicide."
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