Something for the boys and/or since, as we well know...
And, given that it's the weekend, I'm bored unto tears and there's not a book to be had, I thought a Page Six style pop quiz might be in order.
Which journalist of a most authentic nature has been busily reinventing himself, leaping from pond to pond in search of larger audience, adulation and expense account? I can also assume it’s much more ego satisfying to find one’s name in Vanity Fair, The Daily Kos and HuffPo than in various and sundry Indymedias and being fauned over by batshit children everywhere.
And which former media fave and soliloquist extraordinaire has not only declared his undying [and presumably unrequited] love for Angelina Jolie but has also gone to extreme measures to solicit her presence? Seriously. I know this. First-hand, more or less.
But... what would the children look like? I mean... those lips with... that nose???
Yes, a horrifying concept indeed.
But, given her proclivities, I imagine they could adopt, say, a bevy of children from various parts of the new world third world...
So what are the answers to the quiz 'cause I haven't got a clue!
JJJ: You MUST remember the "authentic" journalist from the Parlour [think NN or ask Miguel - he knows].
And the "soliloquist" is the very one whose ten billions of words I translated for 10 years!
Ahhh... So that's where he wants to put his pipe now! :)
...and I would so like to think he's not holding his breath,but I'm afraid he is. He actually copped to the crush publicly, but I also know there have been other attempts at...encounter.
Hardly any authentic or revolutionary behaviour anymore to be seen anywhere.
10 years is a very long period indeed. Did the ethno-revolutionary trend really last all this time?
Logic and ethic don't really care about skin colors, do they?
And of course it is very romantic, albeit foolish to think that old wisdom can deal with the ramifications and collateral damages of todays situations.
"We're almost ready, Angelina..."
"I seeeeeeriously beg your pardon Ms Jolie but would you pleaeeeeease allow me to reposition that azygous pincushion of yours?"
"Perfect-o! don't move!"
@ningunotro: trend indeed (wry smile.) While some genuinely put heart and soul into thier contributions /vocation / avocation (some still do).... some just disappear never to be "seen" again after spotlights are switched off, tent's & bed rolls pack it up, bed mates go on a triumphant binge and the t-shirt vendors call it a night.
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