NOT live-blogging the Indiana and North Carolina primaries.
But the idiot-heads are on telly in the background, doing their idiotic best to make it look as if it's still some sort of close race and therefore millions of people should be glued to said telly.
My goal is to capture the silliest inanities spewed, at least on MSNBC and CNN.
7:03 - Just saw that Megan at CP is doing the same thing, but her blood alcohol level must be higher than mine since she's also watching Fox. Ah, Lou Dobbs just showed up. He should be able to provide me with something suitably insane.
7:19 - So Chris Matthews says that Obama is leading in the under-65's in Indiana, which he'll lose, but Billary is getting more than 70% of those over.
From here on, I'll keep it to the Comments to spare our sensibilities.
Since Pat Buchanan hasn't appeared yet, here's Wonkette where they are indeed live and blogging:
6:04 PM — We were pretty sure polls closed at 7:30 p.m. or something in Indiana. But we are wrong. We haven't had our dinner yet.
6:05 PM — Ha ha, Hotty McSuzanne Malveaux just talked about the "blue class voters" of Indiana. No wonder the time zone is so weird.
6:06 PM — Exit poll, here we go ... oh no not really, they are just talking about the exit polls nobody really cares about: issues, blah blah.
6:07 PM — By "nobody" we mean "the lunatics who only want the vote numbers."
6:08 PM — AH HAH SO WE WERE RIGHT. There are some Indiana polls still open. This is why there are no numbers until 7 p.m., just like we always knew, in our hearts. God DAMN America, we are going to run out and get tacos.
6:11 PM — Nothing like hearing election results described in terms of "slave areas," which is what the Charts Guy just did on CNN.
7:30 - Obama called in North Carolina. Still too early to call in Indiana.
I wonder how Lou Dobbs' daughter's ponies are doing. He never says.
7:39 - Olbermann's outfit is quite Vegas tonight, silver tie and all!
Chris Matthews, however, has a very tasteful black and white polka dot number.
4:46 - I almost forgot: I heart Harold Ford. Not the least for the fact that he lost his last election due to some sort of racy, cavorting with white ladies'story lines. And he was single. Unlike all the married Republicans caught cavorting with hookers, young boys, washroom attendants, barnyard animals, and who are still drawing their government paychecks.
4:54 - Ooh: Rachel Maddow - my fave - just noted that Obama is pulling just as strongly in the white demos as Hillbot is. So scary black preacher man not so scary?
11:33 - Serious break. Girlfriends from Dub arrived, bringing very sweet bottle of 12-year old Jameson. Catching up on local gossip, most notably that there had been a terrible murder in my local, and the owner, whom I adore, had sold it to...some bloody Americans.
12:08 - I am not totally sure why I'm doing this tonight, but I suppose because it's better than talking to oneself [girlfriends are out getting merrily wasted].
And I had a sense early on that it would be important, a final fucking turning point.
Obama is actually closing the margin in Indiana, now only 2%, and that despite the endless Black Pastor loops in the Chicago media market.
2:10 - Last post.
Obama is now being touted as the "presumptive nominee."
I hope the girlfriends from Dub will share the Sir J with you :)
JJJ: But of course. It was in fact for me, and only me. And it's the 12 year old stuff, which tastes like cognac.
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