Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Madness Takes its Toll

Never fear, that's just a line from the clip.

Slammed right now, so here's a small diversion.


V said...

I feel a sudden urge to throw bread across a theater!

Mark said...

Fantastic, love it, played it 3 times with a big smile onmy face. Have forwarded it, as with the Kennedy eulogy via useful, if somewhat time consuming Funwall feature on Facebook.

Bit slammed here too. V, hope you've lots of time to paint more. It's been too long since I took another peek.

PS. I just sent a postcard to that man of dimunitive stature, as it happens. Something about extraordinary rendition. Hey, what's a peeg? Does it anything to do with Islamic dietary requirements?


V said...

I am painting, Mark. Thank you for your comment on my page. I left a little something for you there. Since I am working on a BIG one which is taking up a lot of time, I have slowed down on the number of entries of late, and by "big", I mean it's Ladder Time.

So we are all three "slammed" for the time being, but it's fine. We know where we are and how to find each other.

Anonymous said...

A very, very happy camper here, as Barry has just secured the nomination. Even having a short break for coffee, Jameson and raising various glasses to the ever audacious.

Yes, vie, and I had a sudden urge to toss low denier stockings and suspenders across said theatre!

Mark, yes, that is one tiny, tiny peeg.