One of those chillingly perfect confluences.
The magnificent star of everyone’s all time favorite film, Showgirls, Gina Gershon. And the Appalachia loving former President and current hillbilly playboy, Bill Clinton.
Gershon rocks the iconic bad girl trailer park ethos like no one ever before has. Just the right amount of dimestore makeup overload, five different shades of highlights, perfectly botoxed lips. The obligatory same-sex scenes, and, frankly, I found Bound quite entertaining, and not just in an ironic, campy way.
Given Bill’s history in amatory matters, one can easily see how Gershon would be his ultimate Venus, the nasty cheerleader-stripper of his dreams. Despite her disclaimers, I very much prefer to believe Vanity Fair on the subject [and the entire article is a deliciously fun read]. Given his access to all the perks that money and his new “high-flying” crowd of frat boy enablers can buy, how could Gershon not have been on his current Must-Do list?
I wonder if, deep in his newly addled heart and impulse control centres, Bill is not more than a bit pleased that he and his “wife” will no longer be under the scrutiny of all press great and small. Despite the always seductive lure of power, I imagine that he would just as soon be devoting his days and nights to pursuing the powerful seduction of his ever expanding Must-Do list.
I don't know anything about Gina Gershon, but the cover of that Vanity Fair issue shows an Angelina Jolie who looks remarkably like an inflatable sex doll. It's kind of repulsive.
But, really, do you think he's capable of actually doing much of anything with any of these younger women? He doesn't look especially well these days...
Yes, as for AJ, I guess that's what being almost ready to deliver twins - plus the exponentially absurd use of photoshop - does for one's cleavage.
And if I know boys like Bill, and I'm afraid I do, I think it has a lot less to do with the actual sampling of the goods than making his homies think that he is.
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