Hah!! Seriously. Not.
Although it is true that irishpersons are the only ones who have the god-given [literally, perhaps] right, if not duty [given that only 45% of them did today], to vote on eurotreaties. And if one person in hell can prove to me that he, or more likely she [those unsung thousands of PAs across the far corners of every dusty eurocubicle who actually researched and drafted it], understands a damn thing about it, then serious cheers.
No one understands it, although some have taken passionate position. The Government has tried to strike fear in the hearts of our compatriots by darkly, and vaguely, hinting that all those rivers of euro lucre which we have so taken to our hearts and pocketbooks might slow to a trickle if we misbehave and vote NYET.
But I will say that any NYET which can put Sinn Fein and those creepy Libertas persons in the same bunker does tend to catch one’s attention. And, since the voting is now over, and I freely admit to not having a single, solitary clue or position about the Treaty, let me direct you to this very entertaining corner. If you do read it through, you’ll find that even the author - clearly in deathly fear for his own standing in the NYET community - hastens to add that, despite his outing Libertas’ connections with the US intelligence community and military contractors …is himself voting NYET.
And, as penance for this post [and for a number of related sins], I promise to quickly post something else above.
well done the irish!
I can't waitfor Europe to crumble andgo back to lotsof small independent countries.
Come to think of it, I can't wait for the same tohappen to the USA.
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