Bad, bad, bad girl, with a very good excuse, of course, but I’ll keep it to myself. Especially as there is something so very appealing about being a bad, bad girl.
And since I’ve been so lax, there is an absolute surfeit of riches we need to address. From that very smooth Italian operator, Rafaello, known for his “Vatican connections” [not] and real estate deals, who made the cardinal error of scamming Bubba, along with a thousand others, thus ensuring his recent arrest and hundreds of criminal charges.
Then there is that most devout meth head cum feelthy rich televangelist cum client of blabbermouth gay tricksters, Ted Haggard. The Most Right Reverend has just been graduated from his “restoration program.” This is apparently Christianity’s version of Hollywood “rehab” programs, but instead of pretending to treat addiction issues, they pretend to retrofit sexual preferences, all in service of the loftier goal of reintroducing said celebrities and their formerly tumescent cash flows.
Irrelevant assholes, of course, but, speaking of which, nothing any longer justifies the existence of Grand Wizard Mister Ralph, “Look At Me!” Nader. Irrelevant, check. Still inhabiting fantastic dexadrine-driven, constructs of previous times, places and events, check. Racist cretin, check. Narcissistic publicity whore, check. But today’s events and words have made even the generally unflappable squawk and screech like banty roosters being driven to the assembly line.
One Dimensional Box Called [the Human] 'Race'
Personally I prefer the Human Place. Go Balmy Go
Ralph Nader is an ass hat.
Sorry. 'Hi' would be a better start.
But also, I think it is hilarious that American voters are being pigeonholed by the media and other megaphone wielding, poll counting bigwigs who need for the hoi poloi to be labeled according to how we might or might not vote. Or maybe we have the need to vote according to our labels, speaking of places where we're human..
Interestingly enough, speaking from a mathematical point of view, if the rating criterion was used (ie who prefers Nader over Bush, who prefers Nader over Gore, who prefers Gore over Nader, who prefers Gore over Bush, who prefers Bush over Nader, who prefers Bush over Gore) ... such ratings systems exist and are recognised as being fairer than the-one-with-the-most-votes-wins (Condercet criterion or Borda for instance) then guess who would have been elected at the last two elections? Yep, you guessed it, Nader!
Obviously there is no justice or fairness to be had in the USofA!
Just because he's an ass-hat does not mean he's not better than Bush. I've personally created feces that would make a better president. Nader is just having a bit of trouble dealing with his own diminishing relevance.
Lovely blog.
Yo, Ginger, Rich. Such a treat to have you here.
Nader, though, totally serious ass-wipe, douche bag extraordinaire, in fact. Almost enough to make me wish there really were a vengeful god who might entertain him/her self by crafting a most special rung of hell for him and the other Obvious Suspects.
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