Boys, sex and politics.
The perfect combination of corruption and sleaze, at least in the States, reinforcing way too many easy conclusions. Too obvious, of course, but equally irresistible.
Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones, two former paramours of that former president, have just launched a website where they shall be shilling videos wherein they discuss hopefully lurid details about their encounters with said former. But at just $1.99?! I like the fact that these ladies are finally trying to cash in on their adventures, but what the hell? Why is it that only perhaps 1% of the ladies, almost any of the ladies anywhere, ever figure out how to turn a respectable buck at whatever their profession, or hobbies, of choice?
Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones, two former paramours of that former president, have just launched a website where they shall be shilling videos wherein they discuss hopefully lurid details about their encounters with said former. But at just $1.99?! I like the fact that these ladies are finally trying to cash in on their adventures, but what the hell? Why is it that only perhaps 1% of the ladies, almost any of the ladies anywhere, ever figure out how to turn a respectable buck at whatever their profession, or hobbies, of choice?
On the other hand, I suppose it’s time to move on.
John McCain, that man’s man of a man, has an even more despicable history with women. He left his first wife [who was only ever described at the time as a “willowy swimsuit model”] after returning home from Vietnam. It would appear that the horrific car accident she had been in while he was a POW had left her semi-crippled, 5 inches shorter and hardly the stuff of his dreams. He was entitled to much, much more.
So, after numerous flagrant affairs, he discovered Cindy. The quintessential trophy wife: rodeo princess, 15 years his junior and seriously wealthy beer heiress. Out with the old, in with the new, so it goes. After all, it appeared that almost all the Republican hopefuls [as well as many of the Democrats] this year had similar newly minted mid-life Cindy clones.
But what pales in the face of this generally irrelevant gossip, is what lies beneath McCain’s predictable predilections. Most people have long been aware that he’s an angry, out of control, batshit kind of guy, but, for those who hadn’t noticed, we also have this:
“... In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."”
Ladies. Seriously.
"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."”
That's military talk for , "I love you, Honey."
That is McNasty.You won't hear those words on the campaign news trail.
If you did,I'm sure his handlers would try and rationalize it as delayed post traumatic stress syndrome from his Vietnam days.
I just want you to know,'v,' that your translation took me by such surprise, I spilled my "morning" coffee laughing so hard.
Right, Stephen, and then hopefully one of his other handlers would pipe up: "and he was off his meds at the time!"
I can't help but think of Georges Brassens who wrote a whole beautiful French song about this part of a woman's anatomy without saying it once :)
I also can't help but notice that in the context of insults, the word has a very different meaning depending whether you're American or Australian (and I believe the English use it in the same way as us Aussies do). Which explains why in Oz it's usually applied to men rather than women :)
In French, as an insult, it has a different meaning again :)
Isn't it funny?
apparently, according to one etymology i once happened upon, it is derived from the word meaning prostitutes purse, although i rather think that apocryphal and what a scurrilous thing to say!
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