Monday, June 30, 2008
Boys We Love

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Breaking Something

Mandatory Castrati:
That cute little Punjabi governor of the formerly great state of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, took a short break from "auditioning" with Psychogeezer for the “position” of VP, and what a fun position that augers to be! This week, Bobby announced to an adoring public that he had signed into law a brand-new, never before seen “Chemical Castration Law.” Not just any castration law, but one which moves from the optional to the mandatory and from the chemical to the, mother of god, “physical.”
SB 144…provides that on a first conviction of aggravated rape, forcible
rape, second degree sexual battery, aggravated incest, molestation of a juvenile
when the victim is under the age of 13, or an aggravated crime against nature,
the court may sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. On a second
conviction of the above listed crimes, the court is required to sentence the
offender to undergo chemical castration.
This bill also provides that a court may instead order a physical
castration instead of the chemical castration.
Karl Rove Also Hearts Barry:
Yes, the slimy little enforcer reveals his most intimate fantasies:
“Even if you never met him, you know this guy,” Rove said, per Christianne
Klein. “He’s the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a
martini and a cigarette that stands against the wall and makes snide comments
about everyone who passes by.”
Perfectly etched, but when the hell did they start letting anyone into country clubs other than fat, rich, pasty-faced white guys? Ah, yes, that must be the point. The source of their endless raging, earth scorching, economy plundering and warmongering. They have been waiting for Barry, all these years, waiting for that lean, RatPack-cool presence. And the bastard never shows. Poor Karl. Maybe he’s just, you know, not that into you.
Bubba Cries, Pouts, Flees and is Majorly Disrespected
Poor Bill. In an attempt to balance that always ticklish dilemma of being a serious dick whilst still exuding gravitas, he took refuge in London this week. He couldn’t possibly appear with Hills and Barry or make any statement of support for that uppity little colored person. After all, he’s a former President himself, and much blacker than Barry. He has important places to be and important, world-stage type people with whom to be seen. So there he was, grandly strolling Nelson Mandela’s birthday events, managing to confess to a brit scribe [who are ever so much better than their American counterparts since they have no issue whatsoever with being pushy pricks], that Barry could “kiss his ass” before he lends him any support. Poor Bill. Even Oprah apparently made it clear that she didn’t want to be anywhere near the little scumbag.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Street

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Midweek Madness

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
An Offering

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
After All These Years
My second favorite Moustaki, but the videos for my favorite were crap.
Sorry for the paucity of posts, but I promise to overcompensate shortly.
PD: Here's his official site in Spanish, if you care. You can also have it in French and German.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Daddies Dearest

My tribute to Daddy’s Day Weekend, as I mentioned in a comment on the post below, was to offer support, solace and easy tips for those not feeling in the mood to celebrate this particular holiday. Perhaps you might have vague, almost catatonic, memories of your own father punching out a sibling in a drunken snit on Christmas morning, downing the tree which crushed all the unopened gifts and sending your mother screaming out the door.
Or perhaps he retired from your life when you were 12, claiming he had just discovered, and owned, the fact that he was a Proud Gay American, only to be outed 2 years later when he was picked up on a morals charges, shacked up with the 16 year old daughter of your mother’s best friend.
Granted, the above are best case scenarios, but even those with truly traumatic experiences can find ways to take comfort, soothe their thoroughly unresolved anger issues and have a pain-free Daddy’s day.
TIP #1: It could have been ever so much worse.
Deep in your heart, assuming you’re over the age of 24 [or, for boys, 30], you know this. But sometimes we all need a little reminder. It could [now bear with me because how the hell does anyone ever know the truth of a man, and he has admitted to at least one encounter of the female kind] have been Gore Vidal. Just imagine life as the despised offspring of one of the most vicious, preening, petulant über-narcissists ever visited on humankind.
TIP#2: Get over it.
If male, locate a straw man. Preferably someone who looks or acts like him, or, if not, who is dumb, weak and/or available. Then vanquish him. Knock him off whatever pedestal on which you/he perceive him to be ensconced. This could be done virtually [just leave a scary number of contemptuous comments on his blog] or physically [best accomplished whilst one or both of you are sporting extremely high blood alcohol levels].
TIP #3: Adopt
Find someone. It might be a gentleman already of your acquaintance, perhaps that charming eccentric down the street or the reckless uncle who let you cadge beers at his flat when you were 11. Or you could hang out in your park, chatting up the elderly chess or bocce players. Once you find your long lost dad, and you will, simply inform him of the blessed event and get on with it. Listen to his stories, all of them. Stand up straight, act like a man and make him proud.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Guess Who?!
The Lisbon Treaty: WTF?!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones, two former paramours of that former president, have just launched a website where they shall be shilling videos wherein they discuss hopefully lurid details about their encounters with said former. But at just $1.99?! I like the fact that these ladies are finally trying to cash in on their adventures, but what the hell? Why is it that only perhaps 1% of the ladies, almost any of the ladies anywhere, ever figure out how to turn a respectable buck at whatever their profession, or hobbies, of choice?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One of those chillingly perfect confluences.
The magnificent star of everyone’s all time favorite film, Showgirls, Gina Gershon. And the Appalachia loving former President and current hillbilly playboy, Bill Clinton.
Gershon rocks the iconic bad girl trailer park ethos like no one ever before has. Just the right amount of dimestore makeup overload, five different shades of highlights, perfectly botoxed lips. The obligatory same-sex scenes, and, frankly, I found Bound quite entertaining, and not just in an ironic, campy way.
Given Bill’s history in amatory matters, one can easily see how Gershon would be his ultimate Venus, the nasty cheerleader-stripper of his dreams. Despite her disclaimers, I very much prefer to believe Vanity Fair on the subject [and the entire article is a deliciously fun read]. Given his access to all the perks that money and his new “high-flying” crowd of frat boy enablers can buy, how could Gershon not have been on his current Must-Do list?
I wonder if, deep in his newly addled heart and impulse control centres, Bill is not more than a bit pleased that he and his “wife” will no longer be under the scrutiny of all press great and small. Despite the always seductive lure of power, I imagine that he would just as soon be devoting his days and nights to pursuing the powerful seduction of his ever expanding Must-Do list.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Match Dot Com

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Dublin Women's Mini-Marathon!!

Bank holiday Monday this week, and the boys were out in force, wishing to lend a little cross-gender support to the ladies, the charitable event and their own, ever sterling, reputations.
Oddly enough, the garda seems to be having more fun with the ladies than the ladies themselves. My best guess is that these were probably taken early on in the event, prior to any of their very many scheduled pub stops.
Purple wig, bottom pic, for those who wish to know.
Well, I had thought I should be writing something about Bobby, but it didn’t seem at all right to be commemorating such an obscenity, in any way at all. The cortege in that previous post spoke well enough, as did he, to other times and places.
Nor do I have the words yet for Obama’s win. That I would never have thought it possible, until I saw his words, watched while he did indeed build his campaign from the ground up. Casually wresting power from K Street flacks and corporate wingmen, under their radar and all across Web 2.0.
It feels generational, but not the way the micro-wonks would believe, it’s not about age or gender or level of education. Or at least not always or mostly. I suppose, at its simple best, it reflects a willingness to suspend one’s cynicism, anger, defeat. To be able to notice that there’s not a whit of opportunism or sham or fear anywhere there.
And, speaking as a girl and notching the level of discourse way, way down, you can also see it, and I always look for it, in how comfortable he is in his bones, his skin. That has always been the money shot for me, the sign and signal, that a gentleman is who he is, knows it and is just fine with it.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Madness Takes its Toll
Never fear, that's just a line from the clip.
Slammed right now, so here's a small diversion.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Downwardly Mobile Europersons and Hills Hooligans
