Totally my bad last night, and I promise to never go there again. I had no bloody idea who 95% of those persons were, and I think that’s a good thing. I would do Cannes, though. Hint, hint.
As for tonight, I will confess to having “watched” the State of the Union Address, but only because we were liveblogging it over at The Cynic’s Party, which has more or less become my local. A lot of politics, smart people, drinking and very foul language. What more could one ask for? There was a Friday Night massacre at wonkette last week, so the party has decamped to the new bar, as one does.
But the fun part of the day was watching Patrick, Caroline and Uncle Ted adopt Obama just as I was awakening to my day, Teddy passionately declaiming as only he can. Masterfully skewering Hill and Bill, sneering at, mocking and burying all their lies, racist remark s and stupidities. The couple-in-waiting had clearly forgotten that one of the virtues of that generation of Kennedys is/was their ability to wage righteous, earth-scorching war, especially in the face of fatuous, self-serving parvenus.
And parvenus they are. Hills thinks all she needs to do is put a pantsuit on a Rovian dirty tricks strategy, and no one will notice. They will never understand that some people really truly do believe in one or two of the things they say they believe in, even a [very] few politicians. And when Bill outed himself on Saturday with the Jessie Jackson comment, they were off the plantation [irony intended] forever.
Parvenus because they only understand poll driven positions, pandering and pretense.
Parvenus because "Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital, quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”
Not that they could ever understand those words, but the person who spoke them, if he were still around, would have ruthlessly kicked them to the floor, grinned and never given them another thought.
Luckily for all of us, his brother did it for him today.
As for tonight, I will confess to having “watched” the State of the Union Address, but only because we were liveblogging it over at The Cynic’s Party, which has more or less become my local. A lot of politics, smart people, drinking and very foul language. What more could one ask for? There was a Friday Night massacre at wonkette last week, so the party has decamped to the new bar, as one does.
But the fun part of the day was watching Patrick, Caroline and Uncle Ted adopt Obama just as I was awakening to my day, Teddy passionately declaiming as only he can. Masterfully skewering Hill and Bill, sneering at, mocking and burying all their lies, racist remark s and stupidities. The couple-in-waiting had clearly forgotten that one of the virtues of that generation of Kennedys is/was their ability to wage righteous, earth-scorching war, especially in the face of fatuous, self-serving parvenus.
And parvenus they are. Hills thinks all she needs to do is put a pantsuit on a Rovian dirty tricks strategy, and no one will notice. They will never understand that some people really truly do believe in one or two of the things they say they believe in, even a [very] few politicians. And when Bill outed himself on Saturday with the Jessie Jackson comment, they were off the plantation [irony intended] forever.
Parvenus because they only understand poll driven positions, pandering and pretense.
Parvenus because "Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital, quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”
Not that they could ever understand those words, but the person who spoke them, if he were still around, would have ruthlessly kicked them to the floor, grinned and never given them another thought.
Luckily for all of us, his brother did it for him today.
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