So many reasons to celebrate.
Or at least to fry one’s skin, burgers and brain cells.
The Fourth, of course. Preferably celebrated in the middle of literal nowhere in Nova Scotia with highly illicit pyrotechnics and bootleg rum. Or, even better, Warsaw, where they have raised the fine art of “fireworks” to a level of cannon-firing explosives that would be the envy of many a small, under-funded military.
Sad to say, we missed Dominion Day on the first. Yes, totally old-school here. I mean “Canada Day,” in all its grey bureaucratic pallor, just reinforces so many, mostly justified, cultural stereotypes. And, speaking of ethnic stereotypes and the stupefyingly dull, here is someone’s idea of a list of the 10 “hottest” Canadian men and women. Most of them are, in fact, imports and/or exports, and I would love to hear from anyone who finds any among them even remotely fanciable.
And, for those who think brain cells are can only be fried by alcohol and pharma of whatever sort, you might try this. Despite all common and perceived wisdom, it is not a place I would normally choose to go. Seriously. Christy Brinkley, I hardly know who she is. But then one hears about $3000 a month for porn, a $700,000 payoff to a barely legal “mistress,” waterboarding Billy Joel’s daughter. The joys of that sort of excess, in whatever guise, seem rarely joyful but occasionally just tawdry enough to compel.
The serious, and most relevant, issue, however, is the New Relaxed Summer Dress Code. A directive [“memo”] has gone out to Obama staffers, carefully delineating the rules for proper attire during the long hot days of swelter in DC and Chicago. Reading it, I found myself magically transported back to some of my more merrily transgressive days in high school. Always reaching for that perfect slut yet serious incarnation.
Some things never change.
Happy Fourth!
(And, no, I don't find any of them "hot".) Just the usual vapid expressions and insipid contributions. It is a world-wide phenomenon, I fear.)
Happy Fascists Day!
Even more remarkable than the Day, is that none of them are "hot"... (sigh) I agree.
Hi Rebelseed, V, Irl & any other Lurking Companerios ;-)
B, so nice to see you again. I've tried to comment on yr blog but to no avail, appears there is some bug I can't get my head round, so I'm posting here instead.
Basically thanks from me, and from others too for vid-posts of Marcos & Encuentra and we look forward to the next ones when you have the time and the inspiration.
But also B one compa has asked me if I know the date of the filmed Encuentra, & I wasn't sure so thought to ask..
Hope this finds you well and my best wishes to you and yours.
Jello, greetings everyone...
Mark: I did miss your Q. here :)
There is a story behind it all, lol. Our group hosted the Zapatista' La Otra in Magdalena, at El Rancho.. we were scheduled to have them, indigenous & the public at the begining of June of 2006. When the horror of Atenco occurred in May 2006, the Zapa's suspended La Otra in solidarity of all harmed by Atenco (as we all know) and all WE could do was offer any support we could give and put the beans and mole` on the back burner. Then sometime later whichever (s) Goddess or forces that be... waived thier hand... and eventually La Otra announced they would resume.
With about 1 to 1 1/2 mo's to re-prepare to host, we had to move our (expletive's) and get busy. The video was taken Oct. 21, 2006 by Panleft. There was an ARMY of profesional video's taken from all over the world (which our small space gould hardly jam together even with loads of lubricant) including NN (who I personally did not see post video of said first leg of La Otra encuentro, only stills...?) I befriended the particular person from Panleft who took the "Part 1 & 2 video" who in turn told me to email for a copy, who also promised a copy to the hosts. Now that person had pending different projects, including an upcoming one to "locate the True Shaman" (men and women) in all places, N.Y., N.Y. Truely. So I was, because of busy Shaman finding schedule's and being out of town... given another email to contact for a copy... I did that for month's after the encuentro... with promises of 'Sure. Absolutely. just come to ANY meeting at Panleft. When I did show, I asked about said video and a young woman blurts, "Oh it's too bad you missed that meeting, THAT was a great video!" which just kinda blurred into the murmurred conversations and tinkling of vegan dishes served and well... no comment. I am still told to this day 2 years later: if I just go to one of thier meetings I can get a copy... lol. I just happened to be looking at Youtube and found a great EZLN video with an adrenaline pumping rock song in it, that I was gonna post at the new Rebelseed blog... and while waiting for dial-up to load (sigh) was looking in the list of 'related videos' when I just stumbled unto the Part 1 & 2 video, we hosted. The video itself was not posted at Youtube till a YEAR after the encuentro occurred and was of Marcos' speech. I guess all the indigenous that spoke prior to him (he spoke after the very last person had thier say, which was well into the late night) "didn't make the final cut" which speaks volumes. The reason those that hosted that first encuentro wanted a copy, wasn't to brag, lol... (even given rather fetching legs of said 'media rave')... but to be able to show "interested partie's" some of the project's they are involved in, period.
The very same humble group I volunteer for, had mentioned in private to moi that everytime they put something on, they are promised video and nada... never do they get a "copy." We are less than grass roots man...
So I promised these same humble people for the International leg of La Otra conference in Magdelana at El Rancho (two days before the International Vicam Summit) that our group signed in writing, would host... that I would get a video camera (which I had to borrow) and take 'our own video' on my tri-pod of the indigenous groups that made the Internationale conference in Magdalena at El Rancho, prior to the Vicam Summit. I couldn't attend Viccam, after taking nearly a week off from work for that International conference and well, lol... I don't fit the category of "only childless packs of usually 4-5 guys and 1 woman" (the later, usually childless but if not someone else gets to watch the kids) while the lucky "pack" get to pursue thier activism.
The International leg of La Otra video at El Rancho is being professionally edited as we speak (sigh)... and as I said at Rebelseed.. better late than never. Unlike some, didn't hold unto the video for this long for selfish purposes. It truely is beng professionally edited which took quite sometime to secure, working on a less than a shoestring budget.
As for the old blog Rebel Seeds (super-feckin-sigh)... it was yanked after about 4 hr's, with "no notice" or warnings... after I had posted 2-3 weeks ago, two slideshow widgets in the sidepanel of the, "creme` de la creme" of Bu$h & Co. cartoons, photoshopped pic's, etc.
Perhaps folks.. it was the nude pic of Bu$h & The Sneer, legs tangled and smiling in a "love" photo... perhaps it was the "wedding photo" of Bin Lostin & Bu$h in tux and virgin-white gown (clue: Bin Lostin was in the tux)... maybe it was the real-life photo of a mommy gorilla and baby gorilla with Sharon and Bu$h' faces photoshopped in, consecutively in that order. I dunno. I did have friends say I should "consider it an honor" thier conservative tight arses censored me at other places not named of course. I do...but unfrotunately I didn't XML 3 plus years of writing at said orig. blog and will be starting from scratch (super-expletive!!!)
But do promise more soon. In the meantime..
Mark: I am not cetrain why the sweet head couldn't wrap around posting comments at Rebel Seed.. but all one needs to do is go to Rebelsed (clicking HERE on the same name) then once there, click on the underlined comment (at top of each post) where one may want to comment... a box will pop up that asks for name, mail address, website then below that is comment box... you ONLY need to put name and comment. Then it will say 'comment is waiting to be moderated".. thats me, admin, not the gods at wordpress, lol. And the only reason I have it that way is to avoid spam (even with wordpress' Akismet spam filter) racial slurs, or certain types of hate mail.. otherwise, lol... Seeds welcomes freeodm of speech, comments, love-mail, critique or whatever... easy peasy, No?
Loving Abrazos to All,
hi b!
SO lovely to be back in contact. hope to respond more fully in time, bit busy now..!
warm abrazos
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