“…his smug overwrought self-righteousness became beyond unbearable. The endless rants, pompously stating the obvious, loving the sound of his own words to such a degree that the entire spectacle made me feel as if I’d caught some pathetic wanker en flagrante delicto.”
And guess what? That is actually a quote from another post below, about another boy whose descent into narcissistic frenzy had driven me to similar loathing.
So what in the hell is this new template? Boys gone suddenly crazy when given spotlight and adulation. Is it directly related to the new news cycle, endlessly looping, providing seemingly infinite platform for the infinitely inane?
Or does it have to do with our nonstop adulation of celebrity, stupidity and “reality,” urging everyone towards that glittering, climactic moment in the spotlight?
Probably all that and more. The simple narcissism of some who, sooner or later, start believing their reviews, their fans, their book jacket blurbs. Goodness, they think, I truly am the best of the best, the infallible one, the Second Coming of whatever came before, whether the First be Emiliano, Edward R. or Jesus himself.
I have the feeling that in the Reverend’s case he won’t end up fading offstage or being forced to fake a bit of humility as the previous two did. I imagine Robert Johnson [BET founder, billionaire and huge Billary surrogate who famously once referenced Obama’s hanging around the hood doing, you know, what those who hang there do] already trying to rustle up a gig for him. Pitching it as Dr. Phil meets Dancing With the Stars meets Tyra.
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